It’s about those ‘Best before’ dates…

You’d be hard pressed to find anything in your pantry or fridge that doesn’t have a ‘Best before’ or ‘Use by’ date stamped on it. But what does that date really mean? Let’s take those vitamin pills that you saw discounted 80% because they’ve hit their ‘Best before’ date. Does that mean the vitamins and […]
What you need to know about food waste

Do you realise that wasting food means more than just wasting blessings and money? It also bears a serious consequence that is impacting on us in a silent assault… it contributes directly and significantly to the production of greenhouse gases! Food waste is most apparent in developed countries like Australia, Canada, Germany and the United […]
Wait… you mean pasta is now actually good for me!

Ask my 10 year old what his favourite three foods are and he’ll tell you pasta, pasta and pasta! And he’s not alone since pasta is, in fact, way up on the list of the world’s favourites. And why not? With its hundreds of flavour packed variations and ease of preparation, it’s an eye as […]
You’d be nuts if you didn’t!

In again… out again… in yet again! How many foods have you seen ‘trashed’ by the ‘experts’, only to come back as the hot new favourite? Nuts are a wonderful example. They have ALWAYS formed a part of the human diet, yet not so many years ago we were being told they should be avoided […]